Everyone says that something can’t be done. Then arrives someone who doesn’t know it, and does it.Our Moreware Tech Blog was born following such principle. We are at the end of the year, and as often happens we tend to take stock of what was built in the year, and
English Language
All the articles in this category are written in English Language.
Tutti gli articoli compresi in questa categoria sono in lingua inglese.
HiFiBerry – A class(y) D ampli for Raspberry PI part 1
You are a computer science geek. You enjoy the creation of electronic gadgets. And you love to listen to good music. Sadly, it’s quite hard to enjoy these three passions at the same time. As you probably know, audio playback on digital systems does not guarantee the same sound quality
ADAFRUIT presents Google AIY Vision Full Kit
Google AIY Projects (offered by Adafruit) lets the user implement a do-it-yourself Artificial Intelligence and add it to your projects. Thus allowing you to create an image recognition device that can see and identify objects, based on TensorFlow machine learning models. The Adafruit kit includes all the required components to
Jetson Nano Metal Armour kit from SeeedStudio (en)
Seeedstudio has developed an all-metal case for the development platform Nvidia Jetson Nano: here’s to you the new Jetson Nano Metal Armour. The keywords of this project are Metal Body, Firm Structure, Dust Resistance, Nice Looking. The reason why it was decided to design and build this component, is given
Simulation and AI: the Minimax strategy analysis
Today we will analyze the minimax strategy, a system at the base of the simulation carried out in Game Theory and AI. In a previous post of this series about simulation, we took into consideration the difference between unfair game and zero-sum game, presenting a brief sample of code to
Lithium batteries – All you need to know about it
Here is a (first) article dedicated to the description of all the different tipologies of batteries based on lithium. A more technical post will follow. The present article will try to give a better understanding of how batteries (or, better, accumulators) based on lithium work. Let’s start by saying that the
Help! The green LED of my PI does not flash anymore!
When the green LED of your Raspberry PI does not flash, the system can’t successfully access the microSD card. So you are probably in one of the following situations: You did not insert a preformatted and flashed microSD card Your microSD card is corrupted, and does not work anymore Solution:
Nexty Italia presents USB bracelets and keychain
Nexty, a recently born Italian company, started the distribution of its new technology products: USB bracelets and keyrings to recharge your device and grant data transmission on smartphones. But look, they are very special bracelets and keyrings, as they hide a small treat. In fact they detach via a magnetic
How to choose the best Arduino Starter Kit
The purchase of an Arduino Starter Kit is the first step of a beginner who wants to approach the field of prototyping. Anyway we need to shed some light over the reasons that lead to this chioice, to avoid the confusion brought by “incautious” and often not ideal purchases. We
PicoCluster – A cheap computing cluster built on SBC
PicoCluster can be considered an optimal system to create a cheap cluster with SBC, dedicated to math research. I have always been an enthusiast of automatic computing. One of the first programs I wrote (in BASIC) on my Commodore 64 was the search for Armstrong numbers, those numbers whose sum
Five hints to start working with Arduino. Seriously
Here are five useful hints to start working your experiments with Arduino. You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. That’s what the wise man (one of the many around) says. This is one of those moments when the mix inside your head is as much powerful as